“Rocks in my Pockets” Film Score Monthly Review
A “Four Stars” Review od “Rocks in my Pockets” Soundtrack on http://filmscoremonthly.com/ October Issue Rocks in My Pockets **** KRISTIAN SENSINI MovieScore
A “Four Stars” Review od “Rocks in my Pockets” Soundtrack on http://filmscoremonthly.com/ October Issue Rocks in My Pockets **** KRISTIAN SENSINI MovieScore
http://www.thepassionataproject.com/#!ROCKS-IN-MY-POCKETS-Kristian-Sensini/cct2/10C513B8-4BD5-4346-A54E-6E9249DA30B1 An INCREDIBLE GOOD review by Phil Watkins A Crazy Quest For Sanity’ and that is what the music gives us.
The nominations for the music and the film keep coming in! My Soundtrack for Signe Baumane’s animation Movie “Rocks in my Pockets”
One of the Best reviews ever read about my music! From Film Music Media http://www.filmmusicmedia.com/reviews/rocksinmypocketsbykristiansensinireview Rocks In My Pockets is a
Here’s an amazing review of “Rocks on my Pockets” Soundtrack by Randall Larson http://www.buysoundtrax.com/larsons_soundtrax_10_5_14.html Italian composer Kristian Sensini has composed a delightfully
The soundtrack I wrote for the movie “Rocks in my Pockets” Received a nomination in the category Best Feature Film http://www.isfmf.com/isfmf-nominations-2014/ After
Il Resto del Carlino 3 Ottobre 2014
http://www.siae.it/edicola.asp?view=4&open_menu=yes&id_news=14505 26-Set-2014 Colonne sonore Il compositore Kristian Sensini in corsa per le candidature all’Oscar Il film di animazione “Rocks in my Pockets”
Dal Corriere Adriatico del 02/10/2014
Colonna Sonora disponibile su Itunes. http://www.cineblog.it/post/445234/rocks-in-my-pockets-blogo-intervista-lautore-di-colonne-sonore-kristian-sensini Blogo intervista Kristian Sensini autore della colonna sonora di “Rocks in My Pockets”, il film d’animazione